South Africa Business Directory

Vet Directory


252 Barry Hertzog Avenue Greenside Greenside, Gauteng, 2193

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Description about Vet Directory

Vet Directory is a comprehensive electronic and printed database and information portal for the veterinary industry in South Africa.

The primary function of this vetguide is to create a ‘one stop shop’ for anyone involved in the veterinary industry, to find information on industry players in a central online repository. This portal acts as supplier database to the veterinary, farming community and public and pertinent contact information on any entity on the veterinary market can be posted here. By listing on this vetguide, businesses will enjoy the benefit of exposure to the first dedicated published veterinary supplier database in South Africa, which can be accessed at all times by their customers.

Vet Directory is the first electronic vetguide and vetdirectory in South Africa which allows listed businesses in the veterinary industry to edit and update their own content and information on .

Veterinarians as well as on-veterinary customers will always have access to the latest and most up to date contact details and information.

Vet Directory harnesses the power of the Internet! We develop best of breed solutions when it comes to addressing and managing ever-changing information and technological requirements when it comes to web-based communication for vets. We understand the veterinary industry and the importance for vets of having all the necessary information at their fingertips in one place.

Through search engine optimisation, our aim is to provide immediate access to animal related entities’ details to anyone searching online for information on suppliers to the veterinary community, or any entity in any way associated or affiliated to the veterinary profession.