South Africa Business Directory

MMA Direct


Johannesburg, Gauteng, 2061

Contact Information

Description about MMA Direct

MMA Direct is your one-stop shop, the only website you need for all your MMA gear, apparel and fighter branded clothing.

Founded by people with an absolute passion for MMA and who have been involved in the Mixed Martial Arts industry since 2008, we always have the customer in mind and seek to bring you the easiest and best shopping experience possible.

We have a large range of Mixed Martial Arts MMA gear ranging from MMA shorts to MMA DVD's (Videos) and collectible MMA fighter figurines.

We only stock the finest quality products, which is why you'll see elite MMA brands such as ADX, Round 5, UFC , Powerball and many other brands, We ensure that our customer will only be receiving the very best when they order from MMA Direct, and to boot, our fast shipping means it won't be long before you're united with your desired item.