South Africa Business Directory

Forcenetix IT Support Specialists


Philip Engelbrecht Street Alberton, Gauteng, 1447

Contact Information

Description about Forcenetix IT Support Specialists

We offer the best level of quality service to anyone at home or at a business. Do you require a new computer or upgrade? We will quote you on a new computer, buy it for the best price from local importers, assemble it and install all software you require, deliver it, set it up and network it to any other device you might have, thanking you with a smile and leave knowing that we did the our best in keeping you happy. We normally ask how much you want to spend and what you want to use it for so we have a better understanding to build the right computer for the right job. We specialize in all types of computers which include personal computers, laptops, servers and overclocked water cooled super fast gaming computers. Do you have a problem on your computer that you can't solve? Do you require an IT specialist to come to you? No problem... contact us and we will come to you, unfortunately our call out services is only available in the Johannesburg area, but I'm sure we can