Dr. Carina Fernandes -Chiropractor


Mayo Clinic, Mayo 4 Cnr William Nicole & Joseph Lister Constantia Kloof, Gauteng, 1709

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Description about Dr. Carina Fernandes -Chiropractor

Chiropractic is a health profession specialising in the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of mechanical disorders of the musculoskeletal system and the affects of these disorders on the function of the nervous system and general health. What is a SUBLUXATION? Subluxation is what happens when spinal joints move out of place as a result of Trauma. This trauma can be from an accident or from chronic repetitive stresses like work, bad posture, incorrect exercise technique or even a poor diet. Subluxations cause nerve irritation at the spinal nerve roots which adversely affect nerve function and bring on declining health. Once subluxation is present, the nerve supply and communication to the rest of the body is slowed down or inhibited to the point of physical changes taking place to compensate for altered nerve function. How can CHIROPRACTIC help? Your Chiropractor will help you find those hidden areas of subluxation and through specific treatment, remove them.

Press Release from Dr. Carina Fernandes -Chiropractor

Chiropractic care - Dr Carina Fernandes [Sunday, August 15, 2010]

We are 2 Chiropractor's situated in a multidisciplinary practice in Michelle Avenue Randhart, Alberton.

Our Chiropractic Vision: "That everyone will come to experience and understand the benefits of a "Chiropractic Lifestyle" - the feeling of Health and Wellbeing recieved from regular adjustments and the empowerment to make wise health care decisions!"

Chiropractic is a health profession specialising in the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of mechanical disorders of the musculoskeletal system and the affects of these disorders on the function of the nervous system and general health.

Chiropractic practitioners essentially rely upon non-invasive treatment methods and will refere patients to medical practitioners should medication or surgery be indicated. This approach is further reinforced by chiropractors in their promotion of healthy lifestyles such as the avoidance of smoking and excess stress, proper diet and exercise.

What is a SUBLUXATION? Subluxation is what happens when spinal joints move out of place as a result of Trauma. This trauma can be from an accident or from chronic repetitive stresses like work, bad posture, incorrect exercise technique oe even a poor diet. Subluxations cause nerve irritation at the spinal nerve roots which adversely affect nerve function and bring on declining health. Once subluxation is present, the nerve supply and communication to the rest of the body is slowed down or inhibited to the point of physical changes taking place to compensate for altered nerve function.

How can CHIROPRACTIC help? Your Chiropractor will help you find those hidden areas of subluxation and through specific treatment, remove them. Only once subluxations are removed, can your body truly function at its best. Research shows that the average person will experience a 200%-400% increase in immune function once subluxation has been removed.

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