Bryanston Chiropractic


Hobart Grove Medical Suites Corner of Hobart and Grosvenor Roads Bryanston, Gauteng, 2021

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Description about Bryanston Chiropractic

Chiropractic is a health care profession involving the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of disorders affecting the musculoskeletal system. Chiropractors focus on the alignment of the musculoskeletal structures as well as neurological and muscular function allowing the body to perform at its optimum.

Treatment involves safe, gentle and specific manipulation of the spine and other areas of the body. Manipulation is used to restore mobility to joints that have become restricted due to either a traumatic event or repetitive stresses. Treatment may also include other techniques such as massage, dry needling and exercise to enhance your recovery.

Bryanston Chiropractic is a general family chiropractic practice but our chiropractor, Dr. Lisa Dickerson, does have a special interest in treating sports injuries too. Chiropractic covers a wide range of conditions such as headaches, neck pain, lower back pain, disorders related to pregnancy, colic as well as sporting injuries.