South Africa Business Directory

Bond Merchants


644 27th Avenue Villieria Pretoria, Gauteng, 0186

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Description about Bond Merchants

Bond Merchants is a mortgage aggregator that assists home buyers with the home loan application process, with no additional costs to the client. We pride ourselves in our customer focus and have a track record of service excellence.

Through our affiliation with various large bond originator companies we deals with all major banking institutions in South Africa and negotiate the best possible interest rate on your bond to ensure the most cost-effective individual home loan for our clients. With us each client is treated with the respect and consideration they deserve.

In the current economic climate the need for debt consolidation has become a major part of everyday life for many home owners. Due to our association with reputable conveyance attorneys we assist our clients to consolidate their debt by increasing their home loans to settle high interest bearing accounts. The advantage of this practice is:

· A considerable reduction of interest, in many cases a saving of as much as ten percent (10.0%).

· You are paying a single entity and saving on bank transaction costs.

· No need negotiating various new settlement agreements which adds additional cost.