Aspigon Driving Academy


98 Bruarfoss str Valhalla Pretoria, Gauteng, 0185

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Description about Aspigon Driving Academy

Aspigon 68 trading as Aspigon Driving Academy aims to give you the tools required to complete your learner's or driver's license with ease.

We believe that with the correct instructions, guidance and understanding, young and old can obtain a learner's license or driver's license the first time around. Our instructors boast a 95% pass rate !!!

Feeling uncertain or scared ?

With Aspigon Driving Academy, it's as easy as a,b,c:
a. Contact us to book your lessons. We have various offers for driving lessons as well as a unique Learner Package.
b. Practice makes Perfect. Hit the road with a friend or family member to practice and let the confidence that our lessons provides accompany you.
c. Take the test and feel the freedom of being able to drive safely and legally when you want to, and where you want to.

Putting safe and legal drivers on the roads of South Africa is not an easy task. The best we can do is to teach you the correct way of doing things and helping you to obtain your license. After that the ball is in your court and your safety and the safety of others is in your hands.

Drive Safe !