South Africa Business Directory

AirIT Media


Durban, KwaZulu-Nata, 4001

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Description about AirIT Media

Attention Advertisers…

AirIT Media personnel scout for venues of high popularity status and which are area specific to the advertising business itself, to host the means for business advertisements,through digital visual display, to its customers.

AirIT Media offers the following to any business in Durban interested in advertising their business in such venues identified and situated in its location:

* A venue specific, based digital form of advertising, on a 42 inch High definition Plasma/LCD screen with extremely high quality.

* Such advertisements are displayed on such screens, consecutively, for 10 seconds, every 10 minutes of every 10 hour day, *7 days a week! Thus your advert will appear 60 times per day, 420 times per week and 1806 times per month.

* The showing of each advertisement will only cost you between 23 and 33cents, the cheapest means of advertising through such a process in comparison to competitor prices.

* Venues (such as restaurants, coffee shops, shopping centre stores etc) are scouted and selected based on their status and degree of public interest, and will facilitate advertisements based within and around the area of the venue itself, and therefore its customers and those from elsewhere.

* You, the advertiser will have the satisfaction of not only convenient rendering of service to the average consumer, but guaranteed exposure on visually stimulating media, with very limited to no competition depending on your speciality.

* Your advert displayed can be anything from, a high definition still advert to a full movie clip. It is streamed via satellite signal and is monitored continuously by AirIT,  as to ensure that the quality and functioning of your advert remains constant and effective. Thus making this form of advertising a new technological development.

* We offer 3, 6 and 12 month contracts for advertising in the *venues of your choice, bearing in mind that each venue holds one screen and each screen holds a limited 60 advertising slots.  As there is never no-one to advertise, *first come... first serve. The venue itself has a 12 month renewable contract, thus in your interest, the longer your contract, the more discount AirIT will give you, as to allow you to effortlessly monopolise your target market.

* AirIt also offers the service of independent graphic designers, at reasonable prices who will create professional advertisements as to your stipulations, should you require such a service.

for more information as well as venue listing, please contact:

Cell:  0837762620
Email: [email protected]