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4ever Sheeting


Plot 70, Mountain Drive Lammermoor Estates Muldersdrift, Gauteng, 1739

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Description about 4ever Sheeting

Manufacture and sales of high quality Polyethylene roof sheeting in IBR profile. The roof sheets are translucent, cool, hail resistant, UV filtering and easy to install. We can supply 4 different colours: Natural White, Blue, Green and Terra Cotta. Deliveries can be arranged. Let in the light not the heat.

Press Release from 4ever Sheeting

4ever Roof Sheeting [Monday, June 29, 2009]

Whether you’re building a carport, garage, patio or greenhouse at home, or you require a roof or cladding for your factory, polyethylene is the ideal product. 4Ever Sheeting is locally based and the team stands not only by the product, but by its impeccable customer service. Easy to install and needing no special tools, the sheeting is also perfect for DIY applications.

Polyethylene surrounds us on a daily basis and is used to manufacture items as diverse as plastic shopping bags, shampoo bottles, plastic piping, frozen vegetable packaging, toys and even bulletproof vests.

It makes perfect sense, therefore, for the strength and durability of this material - thermo plastic resin - to be used for roof sheeting. Unlike other similar products pol­yethylene is light weight, long lasting and maintenance free - it does not discolour and requires no painting! It’s also flexible and does not chip, crack, flake, shatter, become brittle or rust. The product is hail resistant, and offers reduced noise during heavy rain storms. 4Ever Sheeting’s product is UV treated which allows plenty of light to penetrate but acts as a filter for heat, keeping things cool inside! Polyethe­lene is non-abrasive and inert - so there’s no build-up of dirt, grease or fungus and it’s impervious to water, chemicals and solvents at typical temperatures. It’s also ideally suited for local conditions, as well as moist environments, including sea air. The product is easy to cut and install and no special tools are required to deal with the material, making it a great option for enthusiastic DIYers. Easy to transport and store, an additional bonus is that the product is environmentally friendly because it’s CFC free and recyclable.

The 4Ever Sheeting team is not only dedicated to providing an exceptional sup­plementary roofing product at the best price, but is also committed to delivering on time and providing superior customer service, including on-site consultations if necessary.

The product has been tested by the Institute for Polymer Studies at the and the material carries a 7 year guarantee. 4ever Sheeting comes in four stock colours - natural white, sky blue, green, terracotta - and the standard IBR profile. Other colors can be produced on request at an additional cost.

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